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Rabi' al Awwal Special: Sheikh Babikir, 12 nights ( 5 /13 )

Wed, 21 Oct


Rumi's Cave

Registration is Closed
See other events
Rabi' al Awwal Special: Sheikh Babikir, 12 nights ( 5 /13 )
Rabi' al Awwal Special: Sheikh Babikir, 12 nights ( 5 /13 )

Time & Location

21 Oct 2020, 19:00

Rumi's Cave, Carlton Vale, London NW6 5HH, UK

About The Event

We will be hosting this event for the first 12 nights of the new lunar calendar month. As we do not know when the new lunar month will start we have listed 13 events. So please register which one you are interested in attending. 

Time to be announced nearer the date.

PLEASE do not block book if you are unlikely to attend if someone block books and doesnt turn up for 2 events we may refuse you entry to other nights of rabi' al awwal. As we have limited spaces and want everyone to have a chance.

Masks will be mandatory to wear during the whole event. We will have marked spaces where people can sit. Please bring your own pray mats to sit on as we will be in the hall.

This event is free but we will have collection buckets scattered for you to give any anonymous donations for the blessings of these nights. All donations go towards our charitable projects.

As we enter upon the blessed month of Rabi' al awwal the blessed month when the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him was born. We will reflecting upon his story, life and legacy. As we read poems of praise from world renowned scholars and reflect on his impeccable nature, generosity and humanity to all.


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