Rumi's Care
Rumis Care is a brand new initiative which creates a sense of community and builds relationships that help foster a vibrant and safe community for older people. Many older people are already enjoying life to the full making the most of the opportunities of age and contributing significantly to their families and wider communities. But alongside these, there are some who are socially excluded for one reason or another.
One of the biggest challenges we face is to unlock the potential for all older people to prepare more effectively for the opportunities of later life. By connecting people with similar interests Rumi’s Care provides positive opportunities for them to explore what the community could be. Rumi’s Care is about you the people in our community.

Hospital visits:
Rumi’s Care is our latest project focusing on hospital visits as well as addressing the needs of the elderly in the local area.
There are many patients in hospitals who have few or no visits from friends or family members for a variety of reasons. We hope to have a dedicated set of volunteers who will dedicate a one or two days a month visiting patients.
Tea Thursdays
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Tea Thursdays at Rumi’s Cave
The wellbeing cafe aimed at older people will run every Thursday from 11am – 2pm. Tea Thursdays aims to promote social inclusion and prevent social isolation of older people by enabling contact and friendship with others. It also provides access, advice and information in relation to other local services which support older people and their carers relating to community activities, social groups and events, physical health and emotional wellbeing.
If you are or know older people who might benefit from a warm cuppa, cake and a chat with a group of friendly volunteers please do let them know!