Time & Location
Tuesday & Friday
Rumi's Cave, Carlton Vale, London NW6 5HH, UK
About The Event
Gerak Ilham Silat Classes @ Rumis Cave
Tuesday's and Friday's - 18:45pm to 9pm
Classes are open to all students from beginners to experienced athletes of any fitness level.
Training sessions consist of a mixture of fighting fitness training, technical self defence application drills, bag work, form training, sparring and more.
Taught by Sohaib El-Nahla - a former UK National Athlete Fighter, and National Coach, who has over a decade of experience, and who earned his training qualifications in Indonesia and the UK.
The club has a long fighting tradition, with a history of participation at international tournaments including in the UK, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore.
Training and techniques are grounded in realistic fighting applications and training is practical and tough but differentiated for different abilities.
Gerak Ilham is a recognised member of the PSF and as offers a genuine and safe class to encourage, promote and develop genuine, traditional Pencak Silat of the Malay-Indonesian Archipelago in the United Kingdom. The club offers opportunities for training and competition at all levels both at home and abroad.
The Pencak Silat Federation of the UK is the only national body for Pencak Silat in the UK that is officially recognised by the world governing body for Silat, the International Pencak Silat Federation (PERSILAT) based in Jakarta, Indonesia.
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