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Mon, 20 Nov


Rumi's Cave

Welcoming Rabi al Awwal - Poetry / Recitations in West Africa

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Welcoming Rabi al Awwal - Poetry / Recitations in West Africa
Welcoming Rabi al Awwal - Poetry / Recitations in West Africa

Time & Location

20 Nov 2017, 20:00 – 22:30

Rumi's Cave, 26 Willesden Ln, London NW6 7ST, UK

About The Event

Welcoming Rabi al-Awwal (the birth month of the noble Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him.) A recitation and explanation of the mawlid poems and tradition in West Africa.

Recitations and explanation of the poems recited by the community of Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse in Senegal and Mauritania.

Poetry of Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse, Sīrah poem 'nur al basr fi madhi sayd al-bashr’ and Munshids will also perform on the night.

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